
The study examines the online electronics market. The category includes gadgets, computer equipment, spare parts and accessories for technology, smartphones and tablets, photographic equipment, home appliances (including household appliances), and electronics. Statistics on number of orders and sales volume are based on data from the top 1000 largest online stores by number of orders. To calculate the number of orders the results of regular monitoring of the number of online orders are used, as well as data provided by the stores or in the public domain. When determining the third-party services used by online stores, an automatic parsing method was used, followed by additional manual parsing in controversial cases.



Over the past year, the online market for household appliances and electronics has grown. In particular, the amount of orders is 22% higher than the year before. This is stated in a study conducted since last July.

About 14% of all online orders of the thousand largest retailers in the market of e-commerce were made at online stores of electronics and household appliances. The share by revenue was 34%.

For the year, 50 billion orders of electronics and appliances were placed at online retailers, a 16% increase over the same period a year earlier. At the same time, the conversion rate of online retailers in this category, that is, the ratio of orders to the number of visitors to the platform for the month, is one of the lowest – 4%. Only repair goods showed a lower conversion rate – 3.9%.

The average check for the year increased by 7%.

Almost three quarters (72%) of the total volume of online sales of electronics and home appliances were in general stores. These retailers also lead in the number of orders – 75%. The share of gadget and portable equipment stores’ revenues from sales of home appliances and electronics products was 14%, and 12% by number of orders.

During the year, mobile devices and desktops were equally used to visit online home appliances and electronics stores. The main source of traffic for the retailer category is organic search (34%). About 27% of users typed the store’s domain in the browser on their own, and 19% clicked on links from unclassified sources.

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